To improve safety and avoid costly reconstruction, paving rehabilitation will be happening at two locations in our ward:
32 Avenue (Crowchild Trail to Shaganappi Trail)
4 Avenue Flyover Bridge to 3 Street
To improve both safety and traffic flow for motorists in our communities, Ward 7 will see three new traffic signals at:
16 Avenue & 46 Street
10 Street & 11 Avenue
University Avenue & Smith Street
Rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFBs) at walkways are important for pedestrian safety. New RRFBs will be placed at:
24 Avenue & 18 Street
5 Avenue & 23 Street
Kensington Road & 16 Street
2 Avenue & 19 Street
3 Avenue & 18 Street
2912 19 Street
Our ward will see new permanent curb extensions at:
27 Street & 5 Avenue
1 Avenue @ 7 St & 8 Street
24 Avenue & 1 Street
Temporary extensions will be located at:
24 Street & Exshaw Road
13 Avenue @ 4a Street & 5 Street
30 Avenue & 2 Street
This year, Ward 7 will see new improvements to keep our communities safer:
Crosswalk improvements at Capitol Hill Crescent & Morley Trail
A Temporary speed hump at Crescent Heights Highschool
Check out all the improvement projects around the city