Terry's Vision
Calgary and Ward 7 has been built through your hard work and it must be protected. We need elected leadership that listens to and respects the people of Calgary.
Calgary residents, businesses, and communities want to be connected to their Councillor. They want to be a part of designing, building and growing their neighbourhoods. By building a coalition of Ward 7 community associations, a connection with small businesses and corporate enterprises, and a legion of our neighbours, we will make Ward 7 the most desired place to live, work, play and invest in - TOGETHER.
Priority #3:
Vibrant Ward 7
A vibrant Ward 7 is one where people live, work, play, and share time with their friends and families.
In the Greater Downtown Plan, I will prioritize enhancing street-level vibrancy through clean and safe community strategies, entrepreneurship initiatives, support for restaurants and retail stores, and promoting the arts and cultural sector.
I commit to meeting regularly with community associations and other groups to collectively discuss and plan neighbourhood improvements and amenities.
I will encourage and support citizen-led initiatives to create and improve our communities.
It’s about “Doing the Right Things and Doing Them the Right Way”!
Priority #1:
safe communities
Clean and safe communities are of paramount importance for Ward 7 residents.
I will formulate a plan to allocate city investment to improve the safety and cleanliness of our streets, LRT trains and platforms, and in our parks.
I will advocate for additional funding for road, sidewalk, and pathway repairs, as well as increasing snow removal on main streets and narrow side streets.
I will insist on better coordination between the Calgary Police, Calgary Transit, and Bylaw Enforcement and improved collaboration with social services, community groups, and businesses towards the goal of creating safe communities.
I will formulate a plan to allocate city investment to improve the safety and cleanliness of our streets, LRT trains and platforms, and parks.
Learning, Leading
Our neighbours in Ward 7 tell me all the time they are not properly informed and engaged with by City Hall; they do not feel their voices are heard or respected. I will work to reinstate purposeful dialogue between The City and our communities, taxpayers, businesses and residents to influence good municipal decision-making.
I am committed to a truly collaborative approach to leadership.
Since May 1st, I have door-knocked over half of the Ward 7 community residences and listened to thousands of voters, the three primary themes I heard are:
Learning, Leading
Our neighbours in Ward 7 tell me all the time they are not properly informed and engaged with by City Hall; they do not feel their voices are heard or respected. I will work to reinstate purposeful dialogue between The City and our communities, taxpayers, businesses and residents to influence good municipal decision-making.
I am committed to a truly collaborative approach to leadership.
Since May 1st, I have door-knocked over half of the Ward 7 community residences and listened to thousands of voters, the three primary themes I heard are:
Priority #2:
An Affordable City
My 30 years of municipal management experience and 6 years of community advocacy and leadership make me well qualified to improve value for city services.
I am committed to minimizing tax increases and achieving better value for tax dollars.
I will prioritize the delivery of quality and cost-effective city services to ensure citizen satisfaction.
I will advocate for prudent and responsible decision-making on all major capital initiatives to reduce the financial burden on future generations.
I will support businesses during the transition out of the pandemic.